Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 16 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 22 Today's Topics: 1040st CHEAP 4Mb upgrades...please help (2 msgs) Atari 1040ST for sale AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions? Can a SC1224 be used with IBM compat.? Drakkhen free memory (2 msgs) HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) hooking up 810/1050 drive to ST IBM software emulator info MIDIFILE player program Monitor question SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? Tos 2.06 (2 msgs) Uniterm on larger screens? Uniterm Tetronic Graphics emulation Unzooing big files on one drive Updated Mega 4 being parted out What to do? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Jan 92 18:33:46 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!!linac!!!!mpl44572 (Ender) Subject: 1040st CHEAP To: I'm Still trying to sell my 1040st with 1 meg of RAM, color monitor, mouse. (Everything standard) TOS 1.0. for $250 + shipping. (Will barter a bit... ) Mark ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 11:05:29 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!wupost!! .nz!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: 4Mb upgrades...please help To: In article (Martin Randall) writes: > > Can anyone out there recommend a good upgrade 4Mb upgrade for a > 1040STF (TOS 1.0) ? Many thanks. > > Martin Randall > ______________ Well the Evesham Micros has a nice looking SIMM one, but it must be soldered in, there are NO ram upgrades sold here in NZ, because 99.9% are of a plug in nature, but they fall out and cause damage to the MMU sockets.. And Please get TOS 1.4, its far better, and less of a insult in using a Atari... Get some one to put SIMMS/SIPS in your machine, there are 2 files on how to do it, they should be on A.A... -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 13:10:12 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!nstar!syscon!miked@a (Mike DeMetz) Subject: 4Mb upgrades...please help To: (Martin Randall) writes: > Can anyone out there recommend a good upgrade 4Mb upgrade for a >1040STF (TOS 1.0) ? Many thanks. ZRAM looks good as does BEST Electronics. I just put in one from some place in Texas put it requires unsoldering/soldering. (I think Best's does too). ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 19:32:04 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!!!alkis@ariz (Alkis Kornilios) Subject: Atari 1040ST for sale To: Atari 1040ST with 1 MB memory, SC1224 Color High and Medium resolution Monitor and 3.5" 800K disk drive. 60 floppy disks ( worth $120 ) with software plus Circuit Maker ( bought for $90 ), True Basic language ( bought for $150). The Atari 1040ST is also IBM PC and Mac compatible with appropriate hardware or software. Asking for $600. Email me at I can ship it thru UPS and you can pay COD. Thanks in advance. -Alkis ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jan 92 11:31:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!! !!!!!!uniol!unido! mcsun!uknet! (Craig Graham) Subject: AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions? To: I'm unable to help you about installing programs such as you describe from pascal or C, but the way it's done from assembly language is to modify interupt vectors in low ram. There is no reason to write another bomb-out error handler as one already exists in the PD. I think it was published on the STFORMAT cover disk, but sohuld be available at atari.archive, and is called NOBOMB.PRG. I'll post example code of how to install interupt vectors from assembly language if you're still interested. >>>>>>>>>>>>>CRAIG GRAHAM>>>>>>>>>> <--------------------------------------------------------------------------> /\ /\ ..Not built to last but built to burn, / \ / \ Contribute, contribute, send all you earn. / \ _ / \ No deposit, no return. / \ / \ / \ No deposit, no return. /_______ / \ ________\ Health and happiness guaranteed, |P O P| Free seven day trail, it's all you need. \ / Every hour on the hour, this is the voice of fate. /\_/\ It's the voice of power. / \ E104,E122,E137,E142. / \ Here's to the king of the nineteen nineties..... /_________\ ...give me everything.....give me everything........ -POP WILL EAT ITSELF. This is the day, this is the hour, this is this.... ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 18:50:06 GMT From:!! (Ron Carter) Subject: Can a SC1224 be used with IBM compat.? To: Well, I have always heard this question asked the other way around (ie can you use a `regular' monitor with an ST) but... I have a friend who is `required' to get a for-real IBM compat. but wants to keep the color monitor from the ST (SC1224) to use with the compat... Any hacks, predone cables, whatever that does this? Send email and I will summarize for the group if there is interest. Thanks, Ron. -- Ron Carter | rcarter GEnie 70707.3047 CIS Director | Center for the Study of Creative Intelligence Denver, CO | Knowledge is power. Knowledge to the people. Just say know. ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 17:50:26 GMT From: apple!portal!! Subject: Drakkhen To: I don't know about hints, but what do you think about the game? I was thinking about buying it. BTW: I think it just came out for the NES so if there aren't hint books out for it now, there probably will be shortly. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jan 92 13:50:57 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!math.fu-berlin.d e!uniol!unido!mcsun!uknet!!turing! (Jane Fothergill) Subject: free memory To: Does anyone know how much memory should be free on a 1040 without extended memory, when booted up?? I'm not convinced that my machine is all it claims to be, about 420 k Jane Fothergill (J.S> ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 13:54:50 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wupost!!Siriu!mailgzrz!!uniol!unido!!techfak.u!itschere@arizona. (Torsten Scherer) Subject: free memory To: (Jane Fothergill) writes: |> |> Does anyone know how much memory should be free on a 1040 without extended |> memory, when booted up?? I'm not convinced that my machine is all it claims to |> be, about 420 k |> I'm not sure if the EXTENTED MEMORY has got anything to do with an ATARI, but normally a 1040 ST should have at least 800KB of free memory. That number is of cource decreased for each TSR (Terminate ans Stay Resident) such as the AHDI and every *.ACC you are using. If you've got all six accessories installed and are using quite a lot drivers or other AUTO-folder programs, it may of course happen that there are only 420K left. You should remove unnessesary accessories and drivers to gain more free memory, since it is not so easy to install more in an 1040. Greetings TeSche ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 11:55:38 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!fauern!un ido!mcsun!uknet!cf-cm! (Andrew F Stratton) Subject: HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) To: Can anyone help with :- 1. Are there versions of arc, zoo, lharc that run on SUN 4's or VAX? 2. Does anyone know where I can get the documentation for gdb? 3. Is there a program available that lets you use the ST as a typewriter (v useful for filling forms)? Thanks in advance, Andy.Stratton. -- Parallel Processing Support Officer University of Wales College of Cardiff ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 17:43:01 GMT From: apple!portal!! Subject: hooking up 810/1050 drive to ST To: I think I have the pin-out for the Xformer cable somewhere, but it'd take me a month or two to find it . If you don't need Xmodem transfer there's a file on Atari Base (408) 745-2193 that shows how to hack a joystick cable to RS232 (RS232JOY.ARC) it'll go to 19,200 BAUD, but the ST can't capture that fast. For regular handshake type stuff, Xmodem, you can only go to 300 BAUD, but it will do two way transfers. ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 17:27:05 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!wupost!gumby! (Mark O'Bryan) Subject: IBM software emulator To: In article <060192.120924ZWQ017@DMSWWU1C.BITNET> Bjarne Pohlers writes: > In article <1992Jan02.171151.14033@disk.uucp> unknown@disk.uucp (unknown) writes: > > > >Why not just make a program that converts an IBM program to an ST runnable > >one? I'm not really concerned with graphical programs, just basic IBM > >compat. ones.. Wouldn't it be possible to load the program into memory > >and spend a few minutes to convert it? Then you could have a somewhat > >faster application, and it could be used without loading a special emu. > > It is nearly impossible to write such a program. This can be done (and HAS been done) if the conversion program has some input from the developers of the program being converted. It's been over a year since I read about it, so I don't remember all the details (it might possibly have been XDOS?), but a company came out with a conversion program that could translate PC programs to run on 68000 workstation platforms. They then collaborated with several major developers to pro- vide "hint" files for their important applications. > Imagine, you had as much memory as a computer > (which you do) you would not be able to convert a program without > thinking. These are also the reasons why there are not any perfectly > working disassemblers. Hmm? I can't compile a program without thinking either, but that doesn't stop perfectly working (well, almost! ;-) compilers from existing. -- Mark T. O'Bryan Internet: Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Jan 92 15:47:24 SET From: UPH436%DDOHRZ11.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: info To: info ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 12:57:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!wupost!!Sirius.df!fauern!unido!mcsun!sun4nl!phigate!alp! (John Janssen) Subject: MIDIFILE player program To: ================================================= I tried to crosspost, but it failed. So sorry, if you see this posting more than once. ================================================= Hi everybody, I post this mail to the net, as I received some mails asking about the status of the MIDIFILE play program which I am programming. Yes, I am still busy making this midi program. Yes, version 1.0 will be public domain! Yes, the program comes with a help function, however a manual can be ordered (see below). I think beta testing (using vesion 0.9) will start begin februari, and that 1.0 will be sent via usenet later that month. #DEFINE ATARI_ST ON As the initial program is written for atari st, I will try to get it distributed via and then to be placed on atari.archive. #DEFINE ATARI_ST OFF #DEFINE MS-DOS ON After finishing it for atari st, I planned to port it to MS-DOS too. For use with MPU-401 interface (dumb mode). The program also comes with a description how to make your own (minimum) midi interface which is sufficient for this program. If someone sends me programming details about pc-midi interfaces, I might include those as well. I think, I will start porting in april. #DEFINE MS-DOS OFF For those who missed the initial posting in december, here is some information again: The program is very nice for people who wants to do something with computers and midi, but do not know what software to buy. It gives you some ideas of the possibilities. However, it also handy for people who already have midiprograms (like me) and wants to spread his songs to other people (E.g. for rehearsings) not having those nice professional midiprograms with their hardware protections (keys, dongles, etc). Furthermore, it is just fun! There are loads of midifiles around on BBS boards and on public domain floppies, which can be used by this program. #DEFINE ATARI_ST ON The program uses gem (on atari) and is fully mouse driven. It can be run in color (medium resolution) and monochrome (high res.). It will probably work with the newer screen modes as well, but I have no possibility to test it. #DEFINE ATARI_ST OFF The program can play the songs stored in midifile format 0 and 1 (*.MID). When format 0 midifile is loaded, midi events using different midi channels will be handled as being on different tracks. The program can handle up to 99 tracks. The program allows certain events to be filtered. Tracks can be muted. Each track can be assigned to a midi channel for fast converting. Each track can initialise the sound by transmitting a program change event. Each track can initialise volume setting of the connected midi device. Each track can have its notes transposed. Each track can have its notes converted via mapping (for drum tracks). The program holds two mappings which can be modified, loaded and saved. Each track can be analysed with an event editor showing all the midifile events loaded (incl. all midifile specific stuff like meta events). Tempo of the song can be initialised. Tempo of the song can be relatively changed (still following all tempo changes which might be in the midifile already). Some planned features for future versions of the program are: Files can be saved, having the midifile format converted. Changes can be made to events in the event editor. During midifile loading, events can be filtered for min. memory usage. Auto start playing midifile(s) at start-up of the program. .. As written above, the program includes a help function which gives some information how to use the program. However, I am writing a manual (in English, German and Dutch) which goes in the details of the program and gives hints how to use the program in a practical way. The manual comes with appendixes, including the following: - An introduction for novice midi users; - A list and explination of midi events; - An explination (in detail) of midifiles. The program is free, but not the manual (but, as said before, you do not necessarily need the manual to use the program). Oh yeah, I forgot: The name of the program will be: PLAYBACK. More news will follow next month when distributed. John -- -- -- John Janssen Email: The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 13:12:52 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!nstar!syscon!miked@a (Mike DeMetz) Subject: Monitor question To: (Hanson) writes: >Greetings. I am building an interface cable for the monitor port. >Can I hook up the monochrome & ground? If so, do I need to raise the >monochrome select pin with the 12v on the port as well? Any advice is >welcome. I have a monochrome monitor and a color tv and would like to >be able to see something. BTW it is a 1040STf The mono dectect pin is taken to ground for mono and open for color. In mono your montior must have 70Hz vertical. There is composite availible on some STs (on all with modulator). ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 16:24:40 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!news-server.!!!IRO.UMontreal.CA!JSP.UM ontreal.CA! (Kosmatos Odisseas) Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? To: In article (Jon Clarke) writes: > (John Dillenburg) writes: > >> Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST >> is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs > > --> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it > from me this message is written on such a machine! If you put your ST motherboard in an another case, what about the keyboard? Is there a way to remove the ST keyboard, add wire, and use it separately, like the Mega's? Will the whole plastic board just sit there, ugly and all? > _ > Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ > / /\ If that does not work try these address's > Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6 /\ what is that guy doing? -- Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------ ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 14:25:36 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!nstar!syscon!miked@a (Mike DeMetz) Subject: Tos 2.06 To: (Ling Cherd Ho) writes: >I have some questions and hope someone can help: >I have a 1040Ste manufactured in '90 with Tos 1.6 >Can I replace the old Tos with the New Tos 2.06? >Do I just replace the chips? No requires adapter board. >By the way how many chips are there and where are they located in >the Ste? >and finally where can I get the cheapest Tos 2.06? from Codehead? Codehead sells the adapter with the ROMS >Thanks >.... > Ling Cherd ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 16:32:12 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sdcc12!sdcc13!atilghma@ar (Adam Tilghman) Subject: Tos 2.06 To: In article <> (Mike DeMetz) writes: > (Ling Cherd Ho) writes: >>I have a 1040Ste manufactured in '90 with Tos 1.6 >>Can I replace the old Tos with the New Tos 2.06? >>Do I just replace the chips? >No requires adapter board. Actually, for _MOST_ STe's, it's just a plug-in replacement. If you have TOS 1.60 installed, you might need to desolder the old ROM chips - but if you have socketed chips, you only need to replace the chips and clip two jumpers (the chips are located beneath the floppy drive). > >>By the way how many chips are there and where are they located in >>the Ste? I called Codehead and ordered the ROMs on 1/6/92, and supposedly they will ship on the 22nd... Since the are a "dealer item" (codehead's words), you can buy them elsewhere. -- ==== Adam G. Tilghman - - (619)558-2141 ==== == "Martha, fetch my rifle - thar's another UCSD ECE undergrad!" == ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 17:15:31 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!gumby! (Mark O'Bryan) Subject: Uniterm on larger screens? To: In article <> (Jeroen Scheerder) writes: > > Alas, I paid no attention back then, but would be interested in the patches > now - I just installed PixelWonder and thus now display 768x480 pixels on my > SM 124. Jeroen, if you could say a bit more about PixelWonder, I am sure there are several of us who would like to hear it. How does it compare to Auto- Switch OverScan? And significant pro's or con's? -- Mark T. O'Bryan Internet: Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 12:47:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!math.fu-b!fub!!! Subject: Uniterm Tetronic Graphics emulation To: In article <>, (Ling Cherd Ho) writes: > Can anyone tell me what I can do with the Tektronic (sp?) Graphics > terminal emulation in the Uniterm? > > Thanks > > .... > Ling Cherd > . You can view (graphics) output which is designed for Tektronix terminals. Ralf %%%%%%%%%%% Ralf Gaertner FHI Berlin ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 05:07:45 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.ed u!! (Charles Savoie) Subject: Unzooing big files on one drive To: In article <> (Richard G.C. Storm (I89)) writes: > >Can anybody tell me how to unzoo a acrhived program(500 K) if >you have only one drive. > >Zoo.ttp and the file just fit on the disk. > >Is using the file in a ram-disk a solution then tell me please >how to redirect the unpacked files to drive A. If the unpacked files are written on the ram disk is runs out of memory . > >Thanks. > Richard. The ram-disk *is* a solution. Do this: copy zoo.ttp to your A: disk, and make sure the rest of the disk has plenty of room. Copy the zoo'd file to your ramdisk. Then use zoo.ttp with the following parameters: e D:\zoofile.zoo where D is the letter of your ramdisk. Zoo will read from the ramdisk and plop the uncompressed files to your A: drive. (This works with arc and lharc also, btw...) For a big file like 500K, though, you would need at least a meg of RAM (I guess this might be obvious). Charles. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Charles J. Savoie | THE word for the 90's: || | | WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 16:20:21 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!!spdcc!!isp d-newsserver!laidbak! (Eric Thiele) Subject: Updated Mega 4 being parted out To: Posted for a friend... Atari Mega 4 ST/mouse/pad $750 Megafile 30MB hard drive 250 SM124 HiRes Mono Monitor 100 SOLD! SF314 3.5" floppy 75 SLM804 Laser Printer 650 (includes Brand New Drum) Software Pagestream 1.8 $ 50 1st Word Plus 25 Turbo ST accelerator 15 Diamondback II 25 Cardfile 3 25 Universal Item Selector 25 Thunder spell checker 25 DEGAS paint program 10 Touch Up graphics program 25 Scan Art clip art program 25 Data Manager ST 25 and more...! Package Price: $1500 Call Darryl Hedges (708) 369-3656 ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 10:56:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!actrix!Rog (Roger Sheppard) Subject: What to do? To: In article <> (Mr Stephen R Usher) writes: > In article <> (Carl Kreider) writes: > >I just gave my wife my old 520 so I need something new. What about the > >TT? Is it fast (or slow like the Amiga 030)? Where is the best place > >to get one? Where do you find hardware details (like the Abacus books > >for the 520)? Should I take a current model or wait for the 1.44MB > >floppy version? How much better than a multi-synch is the Atari color > >monitor? Or should I get a Mega STE and a Small 030 board? > > > The Atari "Multi-sync" monitor is expensive (at least here in the UK, about > 450 pounds = about $850US). The only thing it has going for it is that it > "knows" about the TT resolutions and so gets the aspect ratio correct for > them (unless you switch it to VGA mode using the switch at the back :-)). This far to dear for the Atari monitor, they are only $450us, this is why they don't sell them here in NZ, all you get here is some VGA monitor with very pore sreen aspect ratio.. This another thing that Atari suffed up, why did they not use the VGA standard ,will they ever learn The TT monitor would end up costing some $1500nz, for that here you can bye the NEC 3D, and most VGA's go for some $500nz and the Super ones for $800/900nz.. > -- > Addresses:- > JANET:- or > Internet:- or -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************